Access restored to the American Chemical Society (ACS) journals
We would like to inform you that access is fully restored to the ACS journals.
We would like to inform you that access is fully restored to the ACS journals.
We inform you that on Monday, 17th December 2012 from 10.00 until 13.00 journals services (web portal and HEAL-Link Search)... read more
The lists of the journals and e-books of the lisence agreements that are in effect from 2006 have been updated... read more
Emerald's research platform and Emerald Insight upcoming maintenance, which is scheduled to take place on Friday 20 February 2015, between... read more
HEAL-Link signed the ICOLC Statement on the Global COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Library Services... read more
We would like to inform you that access to Elsevier's platforms has been restored (sciencedirect/SCOPUS) for all HEAL-Link members. read more
We would like to inform you that IEEE offers free access to its eLearning (IEEE elearning) course, as part of... read more
We inform you that the Ministry of Education has financed access of Hellenic Academic Libraries Link (HEAL-Link) to the electronic... read more
On the initiative of the Southern European Libraries Link-SELL, and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundacion Espanola para... read more
SpringerLink and Wiley allocate Backfiles of their journals with a different way from the other publishers. Specifically they allocate two... read more
Steps: On the website of Springer ( select top right "LOG IN" and "Log In via... read more