Access cut to Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG)
Access to Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) has been cut due to expiration of 2012 agreement. The agreement renewal for 2013 will soon be signed and access will be restored.
Access to Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) has been cut due to expiration of 2012 agreement. The agreement renewal for 2013 will soon be signed and access will be restored.
The Consortium of Greek Academic Libraries (HEAL-Link) thanks the people, who supported with their signature the effort of Notifing the... read more
According to the License Agreements HEAL-Link has signed with publishers for the years 2013-2015, HEAL-Link has the option to opt-out... read more
From today there are available to the users of Heal-Link, 260 new Open Access journal titles that are provided by... read more
We would like to inform you that access is restored to 2010 issues of Wiley's journal and to 2009-2010 issues... read more
It is our pleasure to announce that Ms Claudine Xenidou-Dervos was nominated for the first SLA Europe Information Professional Award... read more
SpringerLink and Wiley allocate Backfiles of their journals with a different way from the other publishers. Specifically they allocate two... read more
HEAL-Link and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) have officially agreed to collaborate in order to promote the quality, visibility... read more
We inform you that the procedural problems that HEAL-Link faced from the beginning of year have been regulated. Access to... read more
HEAL-Link, in collaboration with GRNET, has developed a new infrastructure for SAML IdP/SP proxy based federated access. The infrastructure was... read more
HEAL-Link wishes to inform the academic community about the latest progress regarding access to electronic resources of Elsevier. As established by... read more