Scholarly Communication

Open Access and Open Science

The objectives of the Scholarly Communication Unit are to inform the university community about Open Access and Open Science, to support it in the actions developed in these axes, to monitor international developments, and to promote all beneficial measures – technical, legal or political nature-for the disposal of research material.


KALLIPOS - Initiative of Open Academic Textbooks

The KALLIPOS initiative, aims at developing electronic textbooks (mainly, but not only, for students and Professors of Greek Universities) and making them freely available with open licenses through the KALLIPOS digital Repository.


AMELIB Accessible Multi-modal Electronic Library

The development of AMELib, aims to strengthen the effort to remove barriers for print-disabled users of Greek academic libraries. The goal is to offer accessible content through an equally accessible web application, as provided for in copyright law.

Store your research data by findableaccessibleinteroperablereusableF.A.I.R. means

Hellenic Academic Research Data Management Initiative HARDMIN is an infrastructure for Greek researchers that aims to collect, organize and make available of their research data.

Cooperation between HEAL-Link and “Athena” Research Center in the framework of the “OpenAIRE-Advance” project to support Open Access and Open Data in Europe


Start of the 2nd phase of training for the PATTERN project

HEAL-Link invests in infrastructure and support services for researchers of its member institutions, connects with the European ecosystem of organisations for Open Science and collaborates with its other partners to develop educational modules promoting the best practices in areas such as Open Access(OA) and Research Data Management(RDM). The educational program “Quickstart to Open Science” is […]

Update on the Open Access agreement with Elsevier

The Hellenic Academic Libraries Link (HEAL-Link) has just activated the transformative agreement (read & publish) with Elsevier. This provides the opportunity to all members of the Greek Academic and research community to publish their work under open access, with total waiver from publication costs. At the same time, access to the publisher’s electronic content is maintained.This agreement […]

Information on access and open access publishing of HEAL-Link members to journal content

We would like to inform all HEAL-Link members that, in the context of the long-standing cooperation and mutual trust between publishers/providers and HEAL-Link, access to the full content of our resources, as well as publishing in OA status (APC publication cost coverage) to all publishers with whom HEAL-Link has an greement, will remain active, although […]

Webinars on the proper use of Scopus

We would like to inform you that next December, Elsevier will be holding two webinars on the proper use of Scopus, entitled Introduction to Scopus. The dates will be: – Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 11.30 am. Registration link:–dMMv0-cNw#/registration – Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 11.30 am. Registration link: The seminar is free […]

HEAL-Link-IEEE: Forthcoming running out of open access articles coverage

The estimated number of articles that can be covered by HEAL-Link in the publisher IEEE is expected to run out in April 2024 (based on the most recent data). More announcements will follow, if there is any change. For more information, you can contact HEAL-Link Office at and 2310998210, and the Scientific Communication Unit […]

HEAL-Link-Springer Nature: Forthcoming running out of open access articles coverage

The estimated number of articles that can be covered by HEAL-Link in the publisher Springer Nature is expected to run out in about four months (May 2024). There will be constant updates to the community so that we can provide the most up-to-date information about the period of time when articles are expected to be […]

43 Members including Academic Institutions, Research Centers ....