Access cut to BlackWell journals
We would like to inform you that due to known problems that exist regarding the renewal of contracts, access was cut to BlackWell journals.
We would like to inform you that due to known problems that exist regarding the renewal of contracts, access was cut to BlackWell journals.
We are pleased to inform you that due to the forthcoming license agreement with De Gruyter, HEAL-Link has secured access... read more
Lately we have received complaints about the increased number of cases of unlawful use of HEAL-Link's subscribed content by its... read more
From today there are available to the users of Heal-Link, 333 new Open Access journal titles that are provided by... read more
Emerald's research platform and Emerald Insight upcoming maintenance, which is scheduled to take place on Friday 20 February 2015, between... read more
HEAL-Link, for 2018, has concluded to an agreement with Wiley for access to his entire collection of e-books (more than... read more
We would like to inform you about the access problem which exists from 10th of May to Scopus. An Elsevier... read more
Project MUSE has released the MARC Records of journals included in Standard Collection. They are available for download (Standard Collection... read more
We would like to inform you that due to the known problems that exist with the renewal of contracts, ACM... read more
As it is already known the subscriptions of journals of HEAL-Link have not been updated. As a result a number... read more
Scopus will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance for approximately 9,5 hours on Saturday 16th of May from 14:00 due... read more