Author - admin

Trial access period to Statista

Dear HEAL-Link members, we would like to inform you that a 60-day trial period of access (until 13/12/2023) to the Statista database has been activated. Access is controlled through the institutions' declared IP addresses. The members of the institutions simply enter while...


Agreement renewal with Elsevier

We are pleased to inform you that the renewal of the agreement with the Elsevier publisher, for the 3 years 2022-2024 has been completed. The agreement includes: access to the journals included since January 1, 2022 in the


Establishment of the National Initiative for Open Science Memorandum of Understanding between 13 leading Greek research, technology and innovation bodies

The "Hellenic Open Science Initiative - HOSI" was established on February 28, 2022 by 13 leading Greek research, technology and innovation bodies, with the aim of the coordinated and participatory implementation of Open Science policies in Greece and the official...