Access is restored to Wiley’s subscribed content
We would like to inform you that access is restored to 2010 issues of Wiley's journal and to 2009-2010 issues of BlackWell's journals.
We would like to inform you that access is restored to 2010 issues of Wiley's journal and to 2009-2010 issues of BlackWell's journals.
We would like to inform you that due to delays in signing Contracts with the publishers for the years 2010-2012, Elsevier and Wiley have informed us that they will discontinue access from 30 September 2010 to all the issues of...
You can find more information about the renewals of electronic resources of HEAL-link here.
We would like to inform you that on 7th and 8th August, Wiley InterScience platform will be completely replaced by Wiley Online Library. The publisher certifies that for some time the old Journal urls will redirect to new Journal webpages of...
We would like to inform you that access to IEEE journals and IEEE conference proceedings is restored.
We would like to inform you that access to Oxford Reference Online, Grove Art and Grove Music and also to Sage and Blackwell journals is fully restored.
Elsevier's Representative of Elsevier informed us that they will restore access to the members of HEAL-Link on Monday 21st of June 2010. As long as the contract for Scopus expired on 31/12/2009 and have not been renewed yet, they may cut...
On the initiative of the Southern European Libraries Link-SELL, and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundacion Espanola para la Ciencia y la Tecnologia - FECYT) held on 12-14 May 2010 in Granada, Spain international workshop entitled "Policies for...
We would like to inform you that access is fully restored to the ACS journals.
We would like to inform you about the access problem which exists from 10th of May to Scopus. An Elsevier representative informed us that due to the expiration of the contract with Scopus on 31/12/2009 which has not been renewed...