Author - admin

Access cut to IEEE

We would like to inform you that from December 1st, 2014 IEEE announced that they will cut access to HEAL-Link members. This decision has been made due to the fact that they did not receive any payment for 2014, because...


Update regarding HEAL-Link payments for 2013-2014

We would like to inform you that, while the payment of the publishers for HEAL-Link’s electronic resources was supposed to be completed by mid-September and then start with the procedures for 2014 payments, SWETS, the company who is the intermediary...


Update regarding HEAL-Link budget

We would like to inform you that the budget of HEAL-Link for 2014 has been approved. During teleconferences held on July 24, 2014 at NTUA among the chairman of HEAL-Link Prof. Mitrou, the members of HEAL-Link Steering Committee and the...


HEAL-Link Office

We would like to inform you that from 28th July to 15th August 2014 (dates that the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is closed), HEAL-Link Office will also be closed.


Petition for librarians’ redundancy

Petition The Greek Government’s decision on the administrative staff redundancy/mobility scheme has an enormous impact on the Greek Librarians working in the academic libraries. Ninety-four (94) of them, coming from the biggest (eight in total) academic institutions...