
Scheduled Service Interruption for Elsevier

We would like to inform you of an interruption of service for Elsevier platforms and solutions due to scheduled maintenance on Saturday 1st of August from 1 a.m. (Athens time) for approximately 4,5 hours. The platforms and solutions involved are: ...


Opt-out of the Agreements

According to the License Agreements HEAL-Link has signed with publishers for the years 2013-2015, HEAL-Link has the option to opt-out until the 31st of March of every year, if it can not meet its financial obligations for the current year. Taking...


Christmas holidays

Please be advised that HEAL-Link Office will be closed during the festive season from 24/12/2014 to 26/12/2014 and from 31/12/2014 up to 05/01/2015. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Access cut to IEEE

We would like to inform you that from December 1st, 2014 IEEE announced that they will cut access to HEAL-Link members. This decision has been made due to the fact that they did not receive any payment for 2014, because...


Update regarding HEAL-Link payments for 2013-2014

We would like to inform you that, while the payment of the publishers for HEAL-Link’s electronic resources was supposed to be completed by mid-September and then start with the procedures for 2014 payments, SWETS, the company who is the intermediary...


Update regarding HEAL-Link budget

We would like to inform you that the budget of HEAL-Link for 2014 has been approved. During teleconferences held on July 24, 2014 at NTUA among the chairman of HEAL-Link Prof. Mitrou, the members of HEAL-Link Steering Committee and the...