

Here’s a list of resources that are freely accessible to help users and campuses. This list is being updated as initiatives are rolled out and hopefully there will be one URL for continuous updates soon.

  • Novel Coronavirus Information Center: Elsevier’s free health and medical research on novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Information Center for nursing and healthcare educators
  • Textbooks
    • The 256 textbooks currently on ScienceDirect will be automatically entitled to all active ScienceDirect customers (including those journals customers who do not currently have books) for a period of 90 days. Users accessing ScienceDirect through IP or remote access will be able to use these books while campuses are closed. Access the title list here
  • VitalSource and Elsevier Partner to Provide ebook Access to Students
  • Elsevier Participates in ‘RedShelf Responds’ COVID-19 Initiative
    • Under the label of ‘RedShelf Responds’, RedShelf is collaborating with its publishing partners to offer free access to ebooks for the remainder of the semester for currently enrolled students impacted by recent campus closings. Semester-calendar schools of authorized programs will be allowed free access to ebooks from March 16 through May 25, 2020.
    • See the announcement
    • Learn more and access ebooks
  • ProQuest and EBSCO Access
    • ProQuest Ebook Central and EBSCOHost customers impacted by COVID-19 will get automatic upgrades to unlimited concurrent access (from single user or 3U) to all owned Elsevier titles through mid-June.
  • In response to the ICOLC Statement (this is rapidly evolving, more to come)
    • Making any relevant content and data sets about COVID-19, Coronaviruses (regardless of species affected), vaccines, antiviral drugs, etc. currently behind subscription-only paywalls Open Access immediately to facilitate research, guide community public health response, and accelerate the discovery of treatment options.
      • Elsevier is making all its research and data content on its COVID-19 Information Center available to PubMed Central, the archive of biomedical and lifescience at the US. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine, and other publicly funded repositories globally, such as the WHO COVID database, for as long as needed while the public health emergency is ongoing. More information here
      • https://www.sciencedirect.com/quicksearches/coronavirus
    • Allowing the maximum extent of copyright limitations, exception and fair use, even if contractually restricted, to enable institutions to continue their vital teaching missions as campuses transition to an online, remote format.
      • There are special terms of use for the coronavirus articles for PubMed Central.
      • ScienceDirect is an unlimited access platform, there is no restriction on concurrent usage.
      • For Elsevier content on ProQuest Ebook Central and EBSCO host access restrictions have been temporarily lifted to allow for unlimited concurrent usage.
