SCOPUS: Temporary access problem
We would like to inform you that access to SCOPUS has been restored.
We would like to inform you that access to SCOPUS has been restored.
We inform you that on Monday, 17th December 2012 from 10.00 until 13.00 journals services (web portal and HEAL-Link Search)... read more
Attention! The lists concerning the changes and movements of titles between the editors are updated. The list is found in... read more
We are pleased to inform you that the renewal of the agreement with the Elsevier publisher, for the 3 years... read more
We would like to inform you that access is restored to 2010 issues of Elsevier's journals. read more
On February 16, changes have been made to the IP addresses of DIODOS program. Concerning access to... read more
We would like to inform you that on 7th and 8th August, Wiley InterScience platform will be completely replaced by... read more
We would like to inform you that access to IEEE journals and IEEE conference proceedings is restored. read more
Update for imminent access cut to journals of Elsevier, in accordance with the attached letter that... read more
Access to Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) has been cut due to expiration of 2012 agreement. The agreement renewal for 2013... read more
We are pleased to announce that just before the completion of the 18-month license agreement (July 2017 to December 2018)... read more